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**Title: The Royal Rumble: Meghan and Harry’s Colombian Tour Sparks Outrage**

Photos: GETTY

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**Title: The Royal Rumble: Meghan and Harry’s Colombian Tour Sparks Outrage**

In a recent episode of royal antics, and have once again stirred the pot during their so-called royal tour of Colombia.

This latest chapter in their ongoing saga has been met with skepticism and criticism, leaving many to question the authenticity of their intentions.

Imagine Meghan, the Duchess of Delusion herself, standing before a group of Colombian schoolchildren, lecturing them on the virtues of self-reliance.

It's hard to believe, isn't it?

The irony is palpable, considering she's a woman who married into royalty and has since capitalized on that title for fame and fortune.

Are they really trying to preach self-sufficiency while draped in designer clothes worth more than what many Colombians earn in a year?

Let's unpack this farcical royal tour.

Who exactly are Meghan and Harry trying to fool?

They've become as relevant as yesterday's news.

Yet, in their quest for attention, they cling to any semblance of royal status, desperately seeking to maintain their relevance in a world that seems to be moving on without them.

As Meghan stood there, adorned in a summer suit costing over £1000 and sporting accessories that could pay rent for an entire month for some families, one can't help but feel the disconnect.

How can she preach about self-reliance when she's been living off the royal gravy train and cashing in on her past connections through lucrative deals with Netflix and Oprah?

The couple's message about managing online presence and the pitfalls of social media feels particularly rich coming from two individuals who have monetized their lives at every turn.

Are they genuinely concerned about cyberbullying, or are they merely trying to stay in the spotlight, battling to maintain a façade of relevance?

And then there's .

Once the charming “people's prince,” he now appears to be little more than a shadow, trailing behind Meghan like a lost puppy.

It's disheartening to witness his transformation into a mere prop in what can only be described as the show.

Has he truly lost his spark, or is he just biding his time in this bizarre performance?

Adding to the absurdity, it was Colombia's vice president who invited them after watching their Netflix documentary.

Is this how international relations are conducted now—based on streaming views?

What's next, inviting the cast of a popular series to negotiate peace treaties?

The whole situation feels surreal.

What we're witnessing is a desperate bid for relevance.

Meghan and Harry are clinging to their royal connections, attempting to convince the world they are just ordinary people fighting for a cause.

But let's face it: they are neither revolutionaries nor victims.

Instead, they seem to be two privileged individuals struggling to carve out a niche outside the royal bubble.

The real tragedy lies in the impact on the Colombian students.

These children likely looked forward to meeting royalty, only to receive a lesson in hypocrisy.

They are being told to be self-reliant by someone who has never held a traditional job and who uses her title to remain in the limelight.

This is the same couple that fled the UK over privacy concerns, only to air their grievances on global platforms.

How long can this charade continue?

How many more faux royal engagements can they stage before even their most loyal supporters begin to see through the smoke and mirrors?

This isn't philanthropy; it's a desperate act masquerading as humanitarianism.

Without the tech and social media that they rely on, who are they really?

Just another pair of wealthy ex-royals with little more to offer than recycled grievances.

Harry, once the life of the party, now seems reduced to a silent figure, dragged along by Meghan's ambitions.

It's reminiscent of a hostage situation, where the captor is none other than his own life choices.

The potential for genuine impact is immense, yet they squander it in favor of promoting their victim narrative and filling their pockets.

So, what's next for this duo?

Will they continue their world tour of faux royal engagements?

Or will they finally recognize that the world has pressing issues far beyond their personal dramas?

Only time will reveal their path.

But one thing is certain: as long as they keep spinning their tales, there will be those ready to call out the nonsense, cutting through the facade they've created.

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