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**Title: The Royal Ruckus: Harry and Meghan’s Latest Publicity Stunt in Colombia**

Photos: GETTY

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**Title: The Royal Ruckus: Harry and Meghan’s Latest Publicity Stunt in Colombia**

Hold onto your crowns, royal enthusiasts!

The saga of and continues to unfold, and it's more dramatic than ever.

This time, the couple is making headlines with what they're dubbing a “royal tour” of Colombia.

But let's be honest—are they really still part of the royal family?

Not quite.

Yet, that hasn't stopped them from trying to grab the spotlight once again.

Imagine this: the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, freshly detached from their royal obligations, are now on a quest for relevance.

It's a curious move, considering their departure from royal life.

But hey, who needs royal duties when you can stage a grand tour, right?

It seems like they're determined to keep their names in the headlines, even if it means bending the truth a bit.

Enter Angela Levin, a seasoned royal commentator who isn't holding back her opinions.

She's been vocal about the absurdity of this so-called royal tour.

According to her, it's as authentic as Aunt Mildred's vacation in Boca Raton.

Harry and Meghan have traded the crown for casual outings, yet they seem to want to play dress-up as if they're still official representatives of the monarchy.

Talk about a confusing message!

The plot thickens when we consider the implications of their newfound freedom.

No longer bound by royal protocols, Harry and Meghan can speak their minds and act as they please.

Sounds liberating, doesn't it?

But there's a catch—they're still connected to the royal family by blood, which means their every move is scrutinized.

It's as if they're walking a tightrope, teetering on the edge of disaster.

What's driving this latest escapade?

Angela suggests they're searching for purpose, but let's be real.

Are they genuinely trying to make a difference, or is this just another cry for attention?

Their foundation, Archewell, claims to focus on noble causes, but the details of this trip raise eyebrows.

They're advocating for safer physical and digital spaces while having built a career on airing their family's dirty laundry.

The irony is hard to miss.

Adding to the intrigue, they've been invited by Colombia's Vice President, Francia Marquez.

Now, I'm no political expert, but this looks suspiciously like a PR maneuver.

With the Colombian government facing its own scandals, rolling out the red carpet for the Sussexes seems like a calculated distraction.

And many Colombians aren't buying it; they see through this attempt to divert attention from pressing national issues.

Meanwhile, let's not forget about security.

Harry has previously expressed concerns over his safety during visits to the UK, yet now Colombian taxpayers are footing the bill for his and Meghan's security.

It's a classic case of wanting all the benefits of royalty without the responsibilities.

Are they playing a game where they win no matter what?

As they prance around Colombia, one can't help but wonder: what are they actually accomplishing?

Is this tour about making a genuine impact, or is it merely another chapter in the ongoing saga of Harry and Meghan?

They've made it clear that their priorities lie in the limelight rather than in meaningful contributions to society.

Their attempts at philanthropy seem overshadowed by their penchant for drama.

Since stepping away from royal duties, what have they truly achieved?

A Netflix documentary focused more on grievances than solutions, and a series of books that seem more about settling scores than inspiring change.

It's as if they're stuck in an endless loop of self-promotion.

And let's talk about the real working royals back in the UK, who continue to carry out their duties without the fanfare.

While Harry and Meghan bask in the attention, the rest of the royal family is quietly doing the work that matters.

It's a stark contrast that highlights their desire for the perks of royalty without the accompanying responsibilities.

The collateral damage of their actions extends beyond themselves; it affects the entire royal family and the institutions they represent.

With every publicity stunt, they draw attention away from the genuine efforts of their fellow royals.

It's a shame because they had the chance to leverage their platform for real change, yet they squandered it on personal dramas.

So, what's the verdict on this so-called royal tour?

It appears to be nothing more than a desperate attempt to cling to relevance while using serious issues as a backdrop for their narrative.

Beneath the noise lies the potential for genuine philanthropy, but until they step away from their self-centered approach, that potential will remain unrealized.

As we watch this latest chapter unfold, one thing is clear: Harry and Meghan are caught in a cycle of seeking validation while failing to grasp the bigger picture.

They can't cherry-pick the benefits of royal life without facing the consequences.

Will they ever find their way?

Only time will tell, but for now, it's a spectacle worth watching.

Stay tuned, because in the realm of Harry and Meghan, surprises are always on the horizon.

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