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**Title: The Royal Drama Unfolds: Harry, Meghan, and the Family Feud That Keeps Giving**

Photos: GETTY

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**Title: The Royal Drama Unfolds: Harry, Meghan, and the Family Feud That Keeps Giving**

In the ever-turbulent world of the British monarchy, the drama surrounding and continues to capture headlines and intrigue audiences.

As we look back on the events that transpired following the passing of II on September 8, 2022, it's clear that this isn't just a family mourning its matriarch—it's a full-fledged reality show unfolding in real time.

As the royal family rushed to Balmoral Castle in Scotland to bid farewell to the Queen, you'd expect unity in such a somber moment.

Instead, what we witnessed was more akin to a scene from a soap opera, with arriving promptly but his brother, , notably absent.

Adding to the tension, Meghan, often at the center of controversy, was also left out of the picture.

According to Harry's memoir, which could aptly be titled “Spare Me the Drama,” delivered a rather cold message to his son.

He welcomed Harry to Balmoral but insisted he leave Meghan behind.

This family dynamic raises eyebrows—was it truly respectful to exclude the wife of his son during such a critical family gathering?

It seems like a classic case of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.

The plot thickens with insights from royal expert Robert Jobson, who revealed that advised William not to bring either.

If Catherine wasn't invited, then Meghan wouldn't be welcome, either.

This begs the question: when did the royal family start prioritizing decorum over kinship?

It feels less about appropriateness and more about control, as if they're trying to assert dominance over Harry and Meghan.

By sidelining Meghan, the royals may have unwittingly handed the couple more ammunition for their ongoing narrative.

Every snub and slight only fuels their story, providing material for future documentaries and interviews.

It's almost as if the royal family is writing the next chapter of their saga, one filled with more drama than ever before.

Amidst all this chaos, let's not forget Prince Harry, who lost his grandmother.

Instead of grieving alongside his family, he finds himself navigating a minefield of familial tensions.

Yet, one can't help but feel frustrated with Harry's position.

How can he advocate for privacy while simultaneously airing his family's dirty laundry for public consumption?

And then there's Meghan, who touts herself as a champion of female empowerment.

But where is that empowerment when she appears to be using Harry as a shield against his own family?

It raises an intriguing point about the dynamics of their relationship—who's really in control here?

While some may argue that Harry and Meghan are simply trying to carve out their own lives, the reality suggests otherwise.

If they genuinely sought peace, wouldn't they be living quietly in California instead of parading their personal struggles in front of the world?

Their actions seem to scream for attention rather than solitude.

The couple has positioned themselves as the underdogs taking on the British establishment, and it's resonating with many.

Their supporters rally behind them, cheering for every perceived injustice.

However, in their quest for vindication, they risk eroding their credibility.

The more they engage in this public feud, the more they seem to undermine their own integrity.

This family feud has escalated beyond mere disagreements; it's become a spectacle of mutual destruction.

The monarchy faces significant scrutiny, especially regarding issues of race, while Harry and Meghan find themselves increasingly caricatured by their own actions.

What lies ahead for this royal saga?

Will Harry follow through on his threats to dismantle the monarchy?

Will Meghan continue orchestrating events from behind the scenes?

And will King Charles realize that excluding family members isn't the solution?

The answers remain elusive, but one thing is certain: this royal circus shows no signs of slowing down.

As the drama unfolds, one can't help but watch with a mix of disbelief and fascination.

While the antics of this royal family may border on absurd, they undoubtedly provide a captivating spectacle for those willing to tune in.

So, stay tuned—this royal soap opera is far from finished, and we'll be here to dissect every twist and turn along the way.

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