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Title: “Intense Surveillance Unveiled: MI5’s Infiltration of Harry and Meghan’s Jubilee”

Photos: GETTY

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Title: “Intense Surveillance Unveiled: MI5’s Infiltration of Harry and Meghan’s Jubilee”

In a captivating moment captured on camera during last year's Jubilee, the head of MI5, Sheila Remington, appeared to have stumbled upon a secret hidden by .

The image showcased 's frustrated expression alongside Meghan's forced smile, resembling characters in a tragic drama.

While it is often challenging to decipher Meghan's true emotions due to her perpetually plastered fake smile, Harry's inability to conceal his feelings is evident through his sighs, grimaces, death stares, and pouting.

What adds to the intrigue is the presence of influential figures from the British intelligence community surrounding the couple.

Among them is Major Johnny Thompson, accompanied by a woman in a green hat who has recently been revealed as the leader of MI5.

Disguised to spy on the Sussexes and safeguard the British royal family during the Jubilee, she is also listed on the guest roster for the upcoming coronation, alongside Major Johnny.

This woman is none other than Sheila Remington, the former head of MI5, who, as per Wikipedia, facilitated the first amicable agreement between British intelligence services and the KGB in 1991.

After her return from Russia, she was appointed as the new director-general of MI5.

The disdain evident on her face while observing Meghan speaks volumes about her feelings towards the heavily made-up individual.

Seated just behind Harry is Sir Andrew Parker, the former head of MI5, who joined the royal household in 2021.

Alongside him is the Lord Chamberlain, a former director-general of MI5.

These three individuals are renowned spy types, adding an additional layer of intrigue to the scene.

However, their presence is accompanied by bug-busting equipment, highlighting the extent to which the royal family takes the betrayal by the Sussexes seriously.

It is clear that not only Captain Johnny but also MI5 itself was assigned to monitor the couple.

The fact that they were constantly surrounded by security personnel during the Jubilee serves as a testament to the distrust harbored by the Queen and the royal family.

Undoubtedly, MI5's reports on these two traitors played a significant role in reinforcing this mistrust.

One can only imagine the heightened security measures that will be in place for the upcoming coronation.

It wouldn't be surprising to witness the Sussexes being escorted into the Abbey like a pair of traitors, propped against a wall.

Harry, seemingly oblivious to the true extent of his surroundings, might not have been aware that Major Johnny Thompson holds the position of the Queen's most senior bodyguard.

Additionally, the head of the Queen's household, Lord Chamberlain, who also heads MI5, and Dame Stella Rimmington, the former head of MI5, were present.

Furthermore, Lady Sarah Chateau, known for her unwavering loyalty to the Queen, and her son, a Marine, were among the attendees.

In this web of intense surveillance, it is crucial for Harry and Meghan to tread carefully.

Major Johnny's vigilant gaze, fixed straight ahead but ever watchful, serves as a deterrent for anyone contemplating mischief.

His mere presence is enough to make anyone think twice before taking any action.

As the Jubilee unfolds and the coronation approaches, the eyes of the world will be upon the royal couple.

However, lurking beneath the surface are the watchful eyes of MI5, ready to protect the monarchy from any potential threats.

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