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Royal Surprise: Princess Charlotte’s Enchanting Gift Leaves Prince Louis Envious

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Royal Surprise: Princess Charlotte’s Enchanting Gift Leaves Prince Louis Envious

recently received a truly unique gift that caught the attention of her younger brother, .

The heartwarming tale was shared by Shirley Ballas with The Sun, recounting Princess Kate's secret visit to the set of Strictly Come Dancing back in December last year.

During their visit to the studios, was presented with a very special gift that left a tad envious.

According to Shirley Ballas, the royal siblings, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, displayed impeccable manners and were full of energy during their visit to the set late last year.

Shirley Ballas, who serves as the chief judge on the show, disclosed the delightful surprise gifted to Princess Charlotte during their visit – a charming little crown.

Not wanting Louis to feel left out, Ballas also made sure to gift him a box of candies.

She mentioned, “We had these crowns on set when they came, so I thought it would be a lovely idea to give the little girl a crown, and I got him a nice package of sweets.

They are beautiful.”

During the visit, Prince Louis couldn't help but express his desire for one of the captivating crowns worn by his sister, gesturing towards it.

In response to his innocent wish, Ballas promptly arranged for a small crown to be brought for him, ensuring both siblings were equally delighted.

The well-mannered behavior of the royal children was noted by Ballas, who remarked on their joyous experience at the studio, sharing, “These kids are really well-mannered.

They were having the time of their lives.”

Refraining from sharing pictures of the royal visit out of respect for their privacy, Ballas expressed her happiness at being able to provide Princess Charlotte with a memorable day on the set.

Alongside their mother, 42-year-old Kate, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis had the opportunity to meet with the show's professional dancers, including Diane Buswell and Medea Bychkova, as well as the esteemed hosts Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman.

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