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Royal Siblings, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, Follow Unique School Rule

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Royal Siblings, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, Follow Unique School Rule

Returning to school after the festive break can be an exciting time for children as they reunite with their friends.

This is no different for the royal family, including Prince George and of Wales, who are settling back into their studies at Lambrick School.

However, it appears that being a royal comes with its own set of rules, as the siblings are not allowed to have a best friend.

During their time at Thomson's Battersea, the school implemented special regulations to ensure inclusivity and prevent any child from feeling left out.

The school actively discourages the formation of exclusive friendships and instead encourages students to get along with everyone.

Signs with the message “Be Kind” are prominently displayed throughout the school, emphasizing the importance of kindness.

Lambrick School is renowned for its focus on fostering a culture of compassion and providing exceptional pastoral care.

Additionally, the school has a policy regarding birthday parties.

If a child is hosting a party, invitations are not distributed in class unless every student is invited.

This policy aims to prevent any feelings of exclusion among classmates.

It is not just the royal children who are expected to follow this rule; their parents, and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, are also encouraged to actively participate in the school community.

It is no surprise, therefore, that the prince and princess of Wales are frequently seen dropping off their children at school.

Their involvement reflects the school's values and commitment to creating a supportive environment for all students.

While close friendships play a significant role in a child's development, the benefits of having a best friend may vary depending on the individual.

seems to be thriving, as she already has two built-in best friends at home: Prince George and their younger brother, .

On Charlotte's first day at Lambrick School, her mother, Catherine, had some heartfelt words of encouragement for her daughter.

According to reports, she reassured Charlotte that her older brother, George, would guide her along the way.

Sources have described George as a protective and caring older brother who takes pride in looking out for his younger sister.

Lambrick School, with an annual fee of £18,915, instills its motto of “Be Kind” in its students.

The school prioritizes teaching values such as kindness, courtesy, honesty, respect, perseverance, independence, confidence, leadership, humility, and generosity.

These principles align with the charitable work that the young royals will be expected to undertake in the future, making Lambrick School an ideal educational institution for them.

Interestingly, despite their royal titles, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and are known by their classmates and teachers as the “Whales.”

This nickname derives from their parents' title of Wales, serving as a surname while at school.

Previously, they used the surname Cambridge, but with II's passing and their parents assuming new roles and titles, the change occurred.

This naming convention echoes the tradition followed by and during their school years.

At that time, they adopted their father's formal title, Charles, as their surname.

It seems that George may have also had a cute nickname, “P.G.,” given to him by his best friend, Flambrooke, during their time at Thomas's Battersea.

This abbreviation stands for Prince George, providing a shorter alternative to his official title, George Alexander Louis, His Royal Highness Prince George of Wales.

Regardless, it is delightful that the Whales children can simply be known as George, Charlotte, and Louis while attending school, offering them a respite from being some of the most famous royal children in the world.

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