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Royal Dedication: Princess of Wales Absent from Duke of Westminster’s Wedding

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Royal Dedication: Princess of Wales Absent from Duke of Westminster’s Wedding

The Princess of Wales has been maintaining a low profile in recent months as she battles cancer and undergoes preventative chemotherapy.

Despite the hopes of many royal watchers to catch a glimpse of her at the Duke of Westminster's wedding, Catherine was notably absent from the proceedings on Friday.

However, in a remarkable display of strength and commitment, the Princess played a crucial role in assisting her husband with the wedding preparations, even though she couldn't attend due to her ongoing cancer treatment.

arrived at Chester Cathedral, the wedding venue, in an inconspicuous manner, blending in with the other groomsmen in one of the vans.

Guillermo swiftly made his way inside the cathedral without engaging with the media, maintaining a low profile as expected.

While his presence was eagerly anticipated, it was understood that he would be attending the event solo, without his wife by his side.

Although the Princess of Wales couldn't be present at the Duke of Westminster's wedding, her influence was deeply felt throughout the day.

William fulfilled the role of an usher for his close friend Hugh, undoubtedly missing having Catherine beside him.

Despite her absence, Catherine's meticulous planning and support were evident in the flawless execution of the event.

As William departed from the cathedral, a member of the public conveyed their best wishes to the Princess, to which William graciously responded with gratitude and a small wave.

From her residence in Windsor, Catherine provided invaluable support to , ensuring that every aspect of the wedding reflected the couple's personalities and the grandeur of the occasion.

Her involvement spanned various crucial areas, underscoring her dedication to her role and her unwavering support for her husband and friends.

The possibility of Princess Catherine attending the wedding had been ruled out well in advance when her battle with cancer became public knowledge, necessitating her absence from public engagements for an extended period.

While the royal mother of three likely remained at home with her children in Windsor, there was speculation about whether George, Hugh's godson, would be present at the wedding.

Given George's prior experience as a pageboy and 's as a bridesmaid at numerous weddings, the siblings are well-versed in participating in wedding ceremonies.

However, with today being a school day, George would be attending lessons at Lambrook School alongside his siblings, highlighting the dilemma faced by William and Catherine regarding taking their child out of school for such events.

Apart from missing today's wedding, Catherine will also be absent from the final dress rehearsal for the king's birthday celebrations.

As the Colonel-in-Chief of the Irish Guards, Kate typically takes the salute at the Colonel Review, scheduled for tomorrow at the Horse Guards Parade.

Palace sources have clarified that the Princess will not resume official duties until medically cleared, and any appearances at royal events would be sporadic at best.

Nonetheless, there is a possibility of her making an appearance at the Trooping the Colour ceremony on June 15th, followed by a potential balcony appearance at Buckingham Palace if her health permits.

It has been six months since the Princess of Wales's last public appearance, following surgery on her abdomen earlier this year.

While the operation was successful, her recovery timeline was estimated to be at least two months.

Unlike , whose hospital visit was public knowledge, the Princess has chosen to remain out of the public eye, prioritizing her health and well-being above all else.

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