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Rod Stewart Criticizes Prince Harry’s Security Demands at King’s Foundation Awards

Photos: GETTY

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Rod Stewart Criticizes Prince Harry’s Security Demands at King’s Foundation Awards

Rock legend Rod Stewart made headlines at the annual King's Foundation Awards ceremony on June 10, 2024, with his unexpected and controversial speech.

The 79-year-old musician, renowned for hits like Maggie Mae and Have I Told You Lately, was being honored for his philanthropic endeavors through the Rod Stewart Charitable Foundation.

However, instead of a typical acceptance speech, Stewart used the platform to criticize 's recent statements regarding his security needs in the UK.

Addressing the audience gathered to celebrate the charitable works and community leaders, Stewart expressed his gratitude for the recognition bestowed upon him.

Yet, he couldn't resist addressing what he called 's “delusional rubbish” about requiring taxpayer-funded security in Britain.

The crowd responded with applause and cheers as Stewart questioned the rationale behind Harry's demands, particularly since he now resides in the United States and possesses substantial personal wealth.

Drawing from his own experiences of freely moving around the UK without security details, Stewart emphasized the kindness and respect he has always received from the British public.

He contrasted this with Harry's claims of facing credible threats in the UK, dismissing them as unfounded and suggesting that the Prince's concerns were misplaced.

The singer asserted that demanding the British taxpayers to fund private security for a wealthy individual was unjust and disrespectful.

Continuing his impassioned address, Stewart criticized Harry for portraying himself as a victim and suggested that the Prince's actions were tarnishing the legacy of the monarchy and disrespecting the British people.

He highlighted the contrast between Harry's perceived grievances and the lifelong dedication to service exhibited by II, emphasizing the disparity in attitudes towards duty and entitlement.

Stewart's remarks resonated with many attendees, who reacted with overwhelming support and admiration.

As Stewart concluded his speech and embraced III, the audience erupted into thunderous applause, signaling their agreement with his sentiments.

In the aftermath of the event, Stewart's words reverberated across both sides of the Atlantic, sparking debates and discussions about royal entitlement and public responsibilities.

While some lauded the singer for his candid critique of Prince Harry, others criticized him for being insensitive and disconnected from reality.

Despite the controversy surrounding his remarks, Stewart remained steadfast in his stance, unapologetically defending his views and advocating for accountability and humility.

The incident underscored the ongoing tensions and diverging opinions within the British public regarding the monarchy and its role in contemporary society.

For Rod Stewart, it was not just a moment of speaking out but also a reaffirmation of his commitment to noble causes and principled convictions.

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