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**Princess Eugenie Playfully Teases Meghan Markle’s Absence at Duke of Westminster’s Lavish Wedding**

Photos: GETTY

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**Princess Eugenie Playfully Teases Meghan Markle’s Absence at Duke of Westminster’s Lavish Wedding**

The English countryside witnessed a grand spectacle as the Duke of Westminster's extravagant wedding unfolded, gathering the crème de la crème of British aristocracy.

Amidst the opulence and grandeur, a notable absence caught the attention of guests: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.

, cousin-in-law to Meghan, added a touch of playful banter to the affair, subtly poking fun at the absence.

On a splendid summer day, the 28-year-old Duke exchanged vows with his long-time partner at the family's expansive estate.

The guest list boasted prominent figures from British high society, including royalty, nobility, and elite members, all converging at the picturesque venue.

While the newly-appointed Duchess of Westminster radiated happiness, rumors circulated about 's light-hearted jests regarding Meghan's apparent exclusion from the exclusive celebration.

Sources revealed that Eugenie, a royal herself as the daughter of and Sarah, Duchess of York, seemed to take pleasure in the notion that Meghan might have missed out on an invitation.

Engaging in jovial conversations with fellow guests, Eugenie slyly remarked on the exclusivity of the event, eliciting knowing chuckles and smiles from those around her.

The relationship between Meghan and Eugenie has not been devoid of tensions, partly stemming from Meghan's prominent role within the royal family following her marriage to .

Being slightly younger, Eugenie has occasionally felt overshadowed by Meghan's global fame and popularity, leading to a subtle rivalry that is characterized by friendly competition.

While the reason behind Meghan's absence remains undisclosed, speculations hint at prior commitments or engagements that may have hindered her attendance.

Recent months have seen the Duchess of Sussex reducing her public appearances as she prepares for the arrival of her second child.

However, murmurs about Meghan's challenging demeanor and demanding nature possibly influencing her exclusion from the guest list have surfaced.

Eugenie's apparent delight at Meghan's no-show adds fuel to the existing perception of a rift between the two women, raising questions about the future dynamics of their relationship.

For now, Princess Eugenie savors the joy of attending the prestigious event, relishing the spotlight without competing with Meghan's overwhelming presence.

As the festivities concluded, Princess Eugenie embraced the traditional revelry and dancing, her smile unwavering as she mingled with the aristocratic elite.

Despite Meghan's absence, Eugenie basked in the moment, enjoying the company of distinguished guests and creating memories of a lifetime.

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