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Kelly Clarkson Criticizes Prince Harry’s Memoir in Scathing Social Media Post

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Kelly Clarkson Criticizes Prince Harry’s Memoir in Scathing Social Media Post

The entertainment industry is abuzz as Kelly Clarkson, the original American Idol winner and a prominent figure in the music scene, has taken a sharp swipe at 's new memoir Spare.

In a fiery statement shared on her social media platforms, Clarkson expressed gratitude towards NBC for reportedly blacklisting the Sussex couple and openly mocked the title of Harry's book, implying that might not be pleased with her remarks.

Entertainment journalist Lynn Elbier remarked, “As if the world needed more drama, here comes Kelly Clarkson adding fuel to the fire.

It's quite a sight to see someone like Kelly, known for her kindness and positivity, coming out swinging in this manner.”

Clarkson's critique commenced with a subtle dig at the book's title, which has faced widespread criticism for its perceived tone of self-pity.

“I must admit, Harry nailed the essence of his relationship with the royal family in one word – spare,” Clarkson quipped.

She further ridiculed the title, suggesting it blatantly showcased Harry's feelings of inferiority towards his brother.

Praising NBC for their decision to exclude the Duke and Duchess of Sussex from their programming to promote the book, Clarkson commended the network for refusing to provide a platform for what she described as the couple's continuous narrative of victimhood.

She expressed, “It's admirable that NBC has chosen not to indulge Harry and Meghan's ongoing portrayal of themselves as victims.

Meghan must be frustrated that she can't take her usual ‘poor me' narrative to mainstream shows.”

Clarkson's strongest condemnation was reserved for the memoir itself, labeling it as a collection of the privileged musings of a prince unable to come to terms with his role as the second fiddle to his brother.

“Seriously, Harry?


Could you have picked a more fitting title?

You epitomize the concept of a spare heir – forever living in your brother's shadow,” Clarkson criticized.

She went on to mock various revelations in the book, including Harry's assertion that their initial attraction stemmed from shared emotional scars, dismissing it as a ploy for sympathy.

Dismissing Harry's account of a physical altercation with as an attempt at false bravado, Clarkson scoffed at the notion that Harry could challenge his brother.

She accused Harry of fabricating stories to elevate his importance and divert attention from his true standing.

Clarkson then turned her focus to , alleging that the memoir was orchestrated by her to perpetuate their victim narrative.

She condemned Meghan for distorting genuine grievances and portraying herself as a martyr for personal gain.

In a final call to action, Clarkson urged the public to see beyond Harry and Meghan's self-centered narrative and redirect their attention to more pressing global issues.

She emphasized, “These are individuals of immense privilege who need a reality check.

Instead of wallowing in self-pity, they should utilize their platform for positive change.

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