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Did The Late Queen Deceive Public Opinion About The Meghan Markle Scam?

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Did The Late Queen Deceive Public Opinion About The Meghan Markle Scam?

It Resulted In The Fake And Drama.

The Late Queen's Decision to Deceive the Public Raises Questions

In a recent development, a royal expert has raised concerns about the late queen's decision to deceive the public.

Reflecting on the nation's collective grief during her state funeral, he wonders what motivated her to make such a choice.

The funeral, a grand display of gratitude for Britain's longest reigning monarch, served as an emotional farewell to a beloved figure.

But now, doubts are being raised about the late queen's actions.

Thorough Security Checks for Royal Family Members

It is well-known that anyone who wishes to marry into the royal family must undergo thorough background checks by the UK's Domestic Counterintelligence and Security Agency.

This process involves a comprehensive vetting clearance, including criminal record checks and scrutiny of political affiliations.

When 's background was presented to the late queen in a confidential dossier, one can only speculate on her thoughts.

Historical Precedents of the Queen's Intervention

Looking back at previous instances, it becomes evident that the queen has intervened in relationships within the royal family.

For instance, the romance between Princess Margaret and Captain Peter Townsend was halted due to the captain's previous divorce, which was considered unacceptable by the Church of England.

Similarly, 's relationship with actress Ku Stark was discouraged by the late queen, possibly due to Stark's scandalous past.

The Queen's Decision Regarding

Given the extensive dossier on Meghan Markle and her family, it raises questions as to why the late queen allowed Harry to marry her.

Furthermore, how long after giving her blessing did she instruct palace courtiers not to mention Meghan's name during audiences with Her Majesty?

These are perplexing queries that the royal expert seeks answers to.

Allegations of Deception and Scandal

The royal expert also reveals that the late queen was informed that Meghan was not pregnant with and had faked the entire pregnancy.

Despite this revelation, the queen did not immediately put an end to the situation.

Instead, she suggested that Meghan leave the country, hoping it would resolve the matter.

Meghan's disrespectful behavior, including a mocking curtsy on TV, further strained relations within the royal family.

The British Public's Reaction

The deceit and complicity in the royal scam are actions that the British public finds hard to tolerate.

Speculation arises as to why the late queen agreed to include the names of the two invisible children, Archie and , in the line of succession.

The timeline of events surrounding their birth and subsequent inclusion in the line of succession raises suspicions among the public.

Attempts to Conceal Meghan's Deceit

There is a question of whether it was the late queen who prohibited the media from writing about Meghan's deceit.

Some argue that this decision was made to protect the future of the royal family, as a scandal of this magnitude could have severely damaged the monarchy.

However, it seems that times have changed, and the late queen's authority no longer holds the same sway it once did.

Meghan's Manipulation and the Unprepared Royal Family

The royal family was unprepared for dealing with someone like Meghan Markle.

Her manipulative and deceitful nature caught them off guard.

Comparisons are made to Wallis Simpson, who pales in comparison to Meghan's actions.

The hope for appeasement and damage control proved futile, as Meghan and Harry were determined to create a scandal, regardless of the consequences.

The Queen's Dilemma

The late queen found herself in a difficult situation, with Harry being somewhat unpredictable.

Allowing him to marry Meghan seemed like a way to placate him and keep him engaged in royal duties.

Additionally, Meghan's questionable past might have appeared as an opportunity for her to redeem herself and enjoy the benefits of royal life.

However, no one, not even the late queen, could have foreseen the extent of Meghan's malicious intentions.

The Royal Family's Way Forward

At this point, the royal family is relieved that Meghan and Harry are in America, hoping it will limit the damage they can inflict directly.

Meghan's actions have already caused harm, and it is clear that she is driven by greed and a desire for personal gain.

Cutting ties with both Harry and Meghan seems to be the only viable option for the royal family.

Titles and positions should be removed, removing any power Meghan holds.

The Monarchy's Survival

While resolving this messy situation will undoubtedly be challenging, the monarchy will survive.

The public's sympathy lies with the royal family, understanding that they were put in an impossible situation by Meghan and Harry.

However, it is crucial not to absolve Harry of his role in this scandal.

The truth needs to be revealed, and the family must move forward, free from the toxic influence of Meghan Markle.

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