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Charles Deals Final Blow to Harry, Strips All Titles and Ousts Him from Royalty

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Charles Deals Final Blow to Harry, Strips All Titles and Ousts Him from Royalty

's forthcoming memoir, titled “Spare,” poses a potential threat to the remaining titles held by him, , and their children, royal biographer Tom Bauer has warned.

Scheduled for release in January, the memoir promises a candid account of Harry's experiences and hard-earned wisdom, as published by Penguin Random House.

Despite having lost their HRH titles, Harry and Meghan still retain the titles of Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

However, Bauer cautions that the memoir could jeopardize any existing titles or entitlements the family currently holds.

In an interview with The Sun, Bauer stated, “This book is truly make or break.

I imagine has been forewarned that any retaliation won't be pleasant.

The only action can take is to withhold the titles for his grandchildren, and .

Ultimately, he could even strip Harry and Meghan of their titles, but that would be an extreme measure.

I'm not sure what else he can do.

If the contents of the memoir are as damaging as I suspect, then Harry and Meghan have gone completely rogue.”

Should King Charles III react by revoking Harry and Meghan's titles, he would not be the first monarch in recent years to do so.

Queen Margaret II recently removed royal titles from four of her grandchildren in an effort to streamline the Danish royal family.

This decision sparked significant public backlash within the family, with accusations of mistreatment.

Similarly, King Charles aims to streamline the British royal family by reducing the number of members undertaking official duties or utilizing public funds.

Harry's memoir is set to be published on January 10, 2023, and has already faced criticism for its title, “Spare.”

Biographer Angela Levin, who closely shadowed the Duke of Sussex while writing his biography in 2018, questioned Harry's choice to focus on past grievances with the royal family and the king instead of celebrating his new family.

Speaking to Sky News Australia, Levin expressed her disappointment, saying, “It's tragic that he's chosen that title.

Does he still feel that way, even after leaving the royal family, finding a woman he's deeply in love with, having two children, and living in a grand house with all the freedom he desires?

He seems fixated on the past.

What's even more disheartening is that the title implies being unwanted in other countries, as if he's some sort of leftover on a plate.

I find it utterly distasteful and nonsensical.

In 2018, when I wrote his biography, he was vibrant, mischievous, full of energy, and loved interacting with people of all ages and backgrounds.

It's derogatory to refer to oneself as ‘spare' as if nobody desired you.

And I asked the question, does he aspire to be king?

And I'm quite certain, 100%, that he does not.

He wants his freedom.”

Levin continued her critique, asserting, “He wants to do whatever he pleases, whenever he wants.

After all the therapy he's undergone, it's time for him to move forward.

Attacking his parents while King Charles is still grieving for his mother is extremely unkind.

The Duke of Sussex is rumored to have included personal attacks against the royal family in his upcoming memoir.

Reports suggest that he sought to make revisions following the queen's passing in September, which led to the postponement of the publication date until the new year.”

In conclusion, 's memoir has raised concerns about the potential repercussions it may have on his and Meghan's remaining titles.

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