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**Title: The Royal Circus: Meghan and Harry’s Colombian Debacle**

Photos: GETTY

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**Title: The Royal Circus: Meghan and Harry’s Colombian Debacle**

Buckle up, folks!

The latest escapade of and has unfolded in Colombia, and it's a spectacle that's hard to ignore.

This so-called royal tour is raising eyebrows and eliciting chuckles as the couple attempts to maintain their relevance in the public eye.

Let's dive into this whirlwind of questionable choices and mixed messages.

To start with, let's face the truth: this was less of a regal engagement and more of a desperate bid for attention.

A DIY royal tour?


It's as if they're trying to prove they can still be in the spotlight, despite their apparent struggles to organize even the simplest of events.

When your thirst for fame drives you to such lengths, it's clear that the allure of royal status is slipping away.

Their arrival in Colombia was nothing short of theatrical.

Meghan stepped off the plane dressed in a navy summer suit that likely cost more than what many earn in a month, strutting around like she was on a diplomatic mission.

Meanwhile, Harry trailed behind her, looking like a lost puppy, desperately trying to keep up.

It's almost comical how out of place they seem.

In a twist that could only happen in today's world, the Vice President of Colombia, Francia Marquez, admitted to inviting them after watching their Netflix documentary.

Is international diplomacy now based on streaming recommendations?

What's next—will we see reality TV stars negotiating peace treaties?

The whole situation feels absurd.

Adding to the circus was the heavy security detail surrounding them.

With armed soldiers and police motorbikes escorting the couple, one might think they were protecting a global leader rather than two royals clinging to their fading fame.

It's ironic, especially given Harry's current tantrum over police protection back in the UK.

One might wonder if all this security is truly necessary for a coffee run.

Harry's antics didn't stop there.

He's been vocal about his brother William allegedly breaking his necklace during a spat, and he seems to be milking that drama for all it's worth.

One can only imagine him preparing a PowerPoint presentation to explain the emotional weight of this incident to anyone willing to listen.

During their school visit, Meghan maintained her trademark plastic smile, while Harry appeared as comfortable as a cat at a dog show.

Body language experts noted his awkwardness, particularly his habit of clasping his hands in front of him—a defensive posture that spoke volumes about his discomfort.

And in a moment that could only be described as cringe-worthy, Meghan had to instruct Harry to hold her hand.

Yes, folks, she actually said “hand” to get him to comply.

The couple's attempt at engaging with the local culture fell flat as well.

While Meghan sat still as a statue, Harry fidgeted nervously, reminiscent of a child struggling to sit still in church.

It's clear that the years spent in the spotlight haven't quite prepared them for being anything other than the main attraction.

Harry also took to social media to share insights about his children, seemingly hoping to score some parenting points.

But let's be real—keeping toddlers off Instagram isn't exactly groundbreaking.

It's hard not to roll your eyes at this attempt to appear relatable.

As we dissect this latest chapter in the saga of Meghan and Harry, it's evident that they are clinging to relevance with all their might.

They've traded privacy for publicity, airing their grievances while simultaneously inviting cameras into their lives.

They preach about compassion but seem unable to extend it to their own families.

What we're witnessing is a slow unraveling of their narrative.

They've tried to position themselves as champions of the underdog, but the reality is far from that.

They appear more like privileged individuals struggling to find their footing outside the royal bubble, desperately crafting a new identity.

So what lies ahead for this dynamic duo?

Will they continue their tour of faux royal engagements, or will they finally recognize that the world has bigger issues to tackle than their personal grievances?

Only time will tell.

But one thing is certain: as long as they keep serving up their brand of drama, there will be those ready to call it out.

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