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**Title: The Outrageous Rumor That Prince Harry and Meghan’s Son Doesn’t Exist**

Photos: GETTY

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**Title: The Outrageous Rumor That Prince Harry and Meghan’s Son Doesn’t Exist**

In the world of royal news, some rumors are so outlandish they leave you scratching your head.

Recently, a new theory has emerged that suggests and 's son, , is nothing more than a figment of their imagination.

Yes, you read that right.

Some individuals are actually claiming that this young child, who has been part of public life since his birth, is nonexistent.

It's a wild accusation that raises eyebrows and questions about the lengths some will go to in order to critique the Sussexes.

Now, let's take a moment to digest this.

The notion that a couple would fabricate the existence of their own child for publicity seems almost laughable.

Even for those of us who enjoy dissecting royal gossip, this particular rumor feels like it has crossed into the realm of fantasy.

But, as with any sensational claim, it's essential to investigate the so-called evidence behind it.

The main piece of “evidence” put forth by these conspiracy theorists stems from Meghan's recent interview with The Cut.

During this chat, she mentioned enrolling in preschool, but critics argue that the journalist failed to probe deeply into the details of Archie's daily life.

This lack of exhaustive questioning has somehow led these theorists to conclude that Archie is a mere invention—a leap in logic that's hard to fathom.

After all, how many of us can recall every detail about our children's schedules without breaking a sweat?

Moreover, skeptics point to Archie's limited public appearances, particularly his absence during significant events, like the Queen's funeral.

They argue that he should have been there to garner sympathy and attention.

But let's be real—this line of reasoning is flawed.

These are the same people who criticize Harry and Meghan for wanting privacy, yet they seem to flip the script whenever Archie isn't paraded in front of the cameras.

It's a classic case of contradiction.

The very individuals who demand to see more of Archie are the same ones who vilify Harry and Meghan for trying to protect their child from the relentless scrutiny of the public eye.

It's almost as if they want to have their cake and eat it too.

At the end of the day, these conspiracy theorists are grasping at straws, desperately trying to undermine Harry and Meghan's credibility.

Let's not forget the mountain of documented evidence supporting Archie's existence.

News articles, royal family websites, and countless other sources have provided ample proof of this little boy's reality.

Just because he doesn't appear in the tabloids every week doesn't mean he's not real.

This idea that Harry and Meghan could orchestrate an elaborate hoax worthy of a Hollywood script is absurd.

What's truly unsettling is the level of obsession displayed by those pushing this narrative.

It's as if a segment of the population is waiting with bated breath for any slip-up from the Sussexes, eager to pounce on them with accusations.

This behavior reveals a troubling fixation, where criticism morphs into something far more sinister and unfounded.

The extreme nature of these theories often borders on accusations of child abuse or human trafficking, which is frankly appalling.

It's a sad commentary on our society that some individuals would rather indulge in such baseless claims than acknowledge the reality of a family trying to navigate life under the public microscope.

Honestly, it's easier to believe in fantastical scenarios, such as Meghan being a shape-shifting reptile, than to accept the mundane truth that Archie is simply a child living a private life.

What's next?

Will Harry be accused of stealing the souls of English children to maintain his youthful appearance?

The absurdity knows no bounds.

In a world where misinformation spreads like wildfire, it's crucial to sift through the noise and focus on what truly matters.

Those who cling to these ridiculous theories seem to be doing so out of a misguided sense of purpose, driven by bitterness rather than genuine concern.

It's a shame that they can't find joy in their own lives instead.

So, while the rumor mill churns out these ridiculous stories, those of us who appreciate the royal family can focus on the real issues at hand.

The latest conspiracy about Archie is nothing more than a distraction, a product of a toxic culture that thrives on negativity and speculation.

For now, let's allow this nonsense to fade into obscurity, where it belongs, and keep an eye out for the next wave of royal news that actually matters.

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