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### Meghan Markle’s Unforgettable Encounter at The View: A Royal Snub?

Photos: GETTY

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### Meghan Markle’s Unforgettable Encounter at The View: A Royal Snub?

In a surprising twist of events, found herself at the center of an unexpected drama during a recent episode of The View.

The Duchess of Sussex, known for her high-profile status, was reportedly told by actress Natalie Portman to take a seat in the audience, leaving her visibly upset.

This incident unfolded amidst a gathering of Hollywood's elite, where excitement filled the studio as stars like Portman, Reese Witherspoon, and Margot Robbie prepared to take the stage.

As the audience settled in, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation.

However, the mood shifted when Meghan attempted to navigate through a throng of paparazzi and security personnel, eager to join the A-list celebrities on stage.

The security team, however, was not swayed by her royal title.

“I'm sorry, ma'am, but these seats are reserved for our guests,” one guard stated firmly.

“You'll have to find a spot in the audience.”

Frustration washed over Meghan as she retorted, “Don't you know who I am?

I'm .

I deserve to be up there with them!” From her seat, Natalie Portman shot a pointed look at Meghan and replied, “Excuse me, but I believe the lady said you need to take a seat in the audience.

This is our time to shine, not yours.” The other stars nodded in agreement, their expressions serious.

Taken aback, Meghan insisted, “But I'm a Duchess!

I should be sitting with you, not relegated to the cheap seats.” Reese Witherspoon, with a slight smirk, countered, “Last time I checked, being a Duchess doesn't automatically make you an A-lister.

You're just a supporting player here, honey.

Time to take your seat and let the real stars have their moment.”

Margot Robbie chimed in, adding a playful edge, “Yeah, Meghan, we all had to pay our dues to get here.

You can't just waltz in and expect special treatment.

There are no privileges on The View, even for royalty.” With a venomous glare directed at the A-listers, Meghan reluctantly made her way to an empty seat at the back of the studio.

As the cameras rolled and the segment commenced, the A-list stars basked in the limelight, with Natalie Portman particularly relishing the attention.

Just as the show approached its conclusion, another stir erupted from the back of the studio.

Meghan, now wielding a megaphone, attempted to reclaim her spotlight.

“Listen up, you bunch of has-beens!” she shouted, her voice echoing through the studio.

“I deserve to be up there with you.

I'm the Duchess of Sussex, for crying out loud!

My name should be in lights, not yours.” The A-list stars exchanged puzzled looks, unsure of how to react.

Reese Witherspoon quickly seized the microphone, responding with feigned sympathy, “Meghan, I think it's time you accept that your 15 minutes of fame are up.

We're the ones the world wants to see right now.

You had your chance, and you blew it.

Now run along and let the real stars do their thing.” The audience erupted into applause, clearly enjoying the unfolding drama.

Embarrassment flooded Meghan's face as she tried to retort, but security guards were already surrounding her, gently escorting her out of the studio.

As the cameras cut to commercial, the A-list stars celebrated their victory with high-fives and laughter, reveling in their successful showdown with the Duchess.

Unbeknownst to her former peers, Meghan was already plotting her next move, determined to reclaim her place in the spotlight.

Whether this encounter will lead to further drama remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: the clash between royal expectations and Hollywood realities made for quite the spectacle.

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