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**Title: The Royal Portraits Exhibition: Where Are Archie and Lily?

Photos: GETTY

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**Title: The Royal Portraits Exhibition: Where Are Archie and Lily?


The excitement surrounding the upcoming exhibition, “Royal Portraits: A Century of Photography,” hosted by the Royal Collection Trust, is palpable.

This event promises a showcase of stunning images spanning decades, featuring iconic figures from to Princess Margaret.

However, there's a noticeable absence that has raised eyebrows— and Lily, the children of and , are nowhere to be found in this royal display.

At first glance, one might think that perhaps these little ones simply didn't make the cut for the exhibition.

But hold onto your tiaras, because the story takes a twist.

Reports from the Mail on Sunday reveal that the Royal Collection Trust doesn't possess any photographs of and Lily.

Yes, you heard it right—none whatsoever.

Given the vast array of royal memorabilia they manage, from portraits to personal artifacts, it's astonishing that they lack even a single image of these two youngsters.

This revelation has sparked a frenzy among conspiracy theorists, who are quick to suggest that the absence of photos could imply something more sinister—that the children aren't real.

While I appreciate a good conspiracy theory as much as the next person, I have to draw the line here.

I firmly believe Archie and Lily exist, and I'm not alone in this conviction.

Lady C, a renowned commentator on royal matters, supports this belief, asserting that the children are indeed real.

So, if we accept that Archie and Lily are genuine, what's behind this puzzling photo situation?

Let's don our detective hats for a moment.

Meghan and Harry have consistently kept their children out of the public eye, sharing only glimpses of them—a foot here, a hand there—never a full face.

You might argue that their Christmas card photos are proof of their existence, but let's be honest: those images are so heavily edited they could easily be mistaken for CGI creations.

Here's my theory: Meghan and Harry are playing a long game, creating an air of mystery around their children.

In the world of celebrity, intrigue often translates to financial gain.

The less we see of Archie and Lily, the more valuable future photos could become.

Imagine the media frenzy if they ever decide to do a grand reveal—magazine covers, exclusive interviews, the whole shebang.

However, I think they've miscalculated.

By shunning royal traditions of showcasing baby photos and public appearances, they've inadvertently opened the floodgates for speculation.

The absence of information has led to rampant gossip and theories, especially with the Royal Collection Trust's recent announcement.

It begs the question: how difficult would it have been to share a couple of candid snaps?

It feels as though Meghan and Harry have conjured up these “ghost children.”

They're frequently discussed yet rarely seen, akin to a royal version of Bigfoot.

This secrecy raises concerns about the impact on Archie and Lily.

If they are real, how will they cope with growing up in a world where many doubt their very existence?

That's bound to lead to some interesting therapy sessions down the line.

What truly frustrates me about this situation is the hypocrisy at play.

Meghan and Harry often preach about privacy, claiming they left royal life for a more normal existence to protect their children.

Yet, their actions tell a different story.

If they genuinely wanted privacy, wouldn't it make sense to release some everyday photos of their kids?

Instead, they turn it into a spectacle.

Let's not forget that this is the same couple who participated in an explosive interview with Oprah and released a Netflix documentary detailing their lives.

Suddenly, when it comes to their children, they're all about keeping things under wraps.

It's hard to take their claims seriously.

So, where does this leave us?

We're left pondering the existence of two children who may or may not be real, caught in the crossfire of their parents' antics.

Regardless of their reality, it's clear they didn't ask to be part of this drama.

They didn't choose to be royal or American, nor did they wish to be the subject of wild internet theories.

To Meghan and Harry, if you're tuning in, here's a piece of unsolicited advice: stop the games.

Embrace the role of normal parents and share some authentic photos of your kids.

Let them attend family events and allow the Royal Collection Trust to document their milestones.

The world will keep spinning, and the paparazzi will find someone else to chase.

But let's be real; this is Meghan and Harry we're talking about.

They'll likely do the opposite just to prove a point.

And you know what?

That's okay.

Keep fueling the intrigue, because at the end of the day, you're only complicating your own lives.

Meanwhile, the rest of us will be here, popcorn in hand, eagerly watching this royal soap opera unfold.

In the unpredictable world of Meghan and Harry, truth often proves to be stranger than fiction.

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