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### Royal Drama Unleashed: Queen Camilla Under Fire from Meghan Markle’s Alleged Agents

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### Royal Drama Unleashed: Queen Camilla Under Fire from Meghan Markle’s Alleged Agents

In a whirlwind of royal intrigue, Queen found herself at the center of an unexpected controversy, reminiscent of a scene straight out of a Shakespearean play.

Imagine this: while she's likely pondering which extravagant hat to don next, tomatoes start flying her way, and it seems the source of this bizarre attack is none other than 's so-called secret agents.

Yes, you read that right!

It's like we've stepped into a world where royal affairs meet espionage.

This whole tomato-throwing debacle reportedly stems from Queen 's refusal to accept an invitation from Meghan and Harry to Balmoral.

Talk about a royal snub!

It's akin to being uninvited from the most exclusive gathering, only this time it's not just any party; it's a gathering in a drafty castle filled with tea and corgis instead of keg stands.

One has to wonder, Meghan, is this truly the battle you want to fight?

The idea of Meghan running a covert operation is almost laughable.

Are we to believe that the Duchess of Sussex is orchestrating a spy network?

What's next?

Harry donning a tuxedo, ordering his martini shaken, not stirred?

Just picture the recruitment process: must possess skills in vegetable throwing and a strong disdain for the British monarchy.

Royal watching experience preferred.

Meanwhile, poor Queen Camilla was simply trying to enjoy a peaceful day when she suddenly found herself dodging tomatoes as if she were in a food fight at Hogwarts.

Who would have thought that avoiding flying produce could be part of royal duties?

Perhaps they should update the job description to include “ability to wave regally while evading airborne vegetables.”

But wait, there's more!

Following this unexpected veggie assault, and Queen Camilla reportedly had to be whisked away for their safety.

The official story claims it was a security scare, but let's be honest—could it have just been an overly enthusiastic fan seeking a selfie with the king?

Or perhaps one of those notorious drones we hear about, piloted by creatures from another dimension?

In the realm of royal drama, stranger things have indeed happened.

As it turns out, this entire fiasco was nothing more than a royal miscommunication.

Yes, folks, all the excitement amounted to a “royal oopsie daisy.” One can only imagine how the security team feels now, likely as embarrassed as a corgi wearing a tutu.

But hey, better to err on the side of caution, right?

Though I can't help but think this might have been a clever ruse by Charles to avoid sampling that Jersey ice cream.

Speaking of Jersey, the royal couple continued their tour, engaging with locals at the Jersey Expo.

While it might not sound thrilling, they managed to make a potato growing competition seem like the highlight of the event.

Kudos to them for their unwavering dedication, even after the earlier tomato drama.

It takes serious British resolve to keep shaking hands and chatting about sea salt, especially after such a chaotic day.

And what about Meghan and Harry?

Reports suggest they're now under further scrutiny.

This situation is starting to feel more like an episode of “Law and Order: Crown Victims Unit.”

What's next?

Dusting tomatoes for fingerprints?

I can just picture Harry in an interrogation room, adamantly claiming he was binging on “The Crown” and taking notes on royal etiquette.

So, what do you think of this latest royal saga?

It's a rollercoaster of emotions, and we want to hear your thoughts.

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Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to unravel this piping hot royal tea.

Before we wrap up, a heartfelt thank you for sticking with us through this wild ride.

Your support means the world, and we'll be back soon with more royal news and analysis.

Until then, take care and enjoy your day!

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