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Meghan Markle’s Reality TV Dilemma: The Bachelor or Bust?

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Meghan Markle’s Reality TV Dilemma: The Bachelor or Bust?

Years before ascending to the prestigious title of Duchess, graced our screens as a briefcase model on the well-known game show Deal or No Deal, back in 2006 and the subsequent year.

Yet, what many are unaware of is her flirtation with the idea of joining the enduring dating spectacle, The Bachelor.

Recently, Mike Fleece, the mastermind behind The Bachelor franchise, unveiled a surprising revelation – had seriously contemplated applying to be a contestant on The Bachelor right after her stint on Deal or No Deal.

Can you fathom the shockwaves that would have reverberated through the royal family if this scenario had materialized?

A member of the British monarchy vying for love on a reality dating show?

The sheer absurdity of such a notion is truly staggering.

In a bold move, Mike Fleece took to X to disclose this jaw-dropping tidbit, stating, “Just got the go-ahead to reveal this shocking fact – right after she left Deal or No Deal, Meghan seriously considered applying to be on The Bachelor.

Hashtag sliding doors.”

However, the plot thickens further.

Despite receiving the green light to unveil this bombshell, Mike Fleece swiftly dismissed the notion of having Meghan grace his show.

Why, you may wonder?

It seems he had a moment of clarity regarding Meghan Markle, a truth that many had quietly suspected but hesitated to voice – she is perceived as deceitful and hazardous, willing to go to extreme lengths for the fame and attention she craves so fervently.

Perhaps her Hollywood ambitions were shattered by a reality show producer who saw through the carefully constructed façade she presented to the world.

Fast forward to 2022, Meghan revisited her briefcase modeling days on Deal or No Deal during an episode of the Spotify podcast, Archetypes.

She candidly shared her experience of feeling objectified and pigeonholed into a stereotypical archetype solely based on her appearance, lamenting, “That's how it felt for me at the time, being reduced to this specific archetype, the word bimbo.”

Meghan highlighted the pressure the models faced to conform to a narrow beauty standard, revealing, “We were even given spray tan vouchers each week because there was a very cookie-cutter idea of precisely what we should look like.

It was solely about our beauty.”

Despite being surrounded by intelligent women on the show, Meghan expressed her discomfort at the superficial focus placed on their looks rather than their capabilities, leaving her with a lingering sense of unease.

While Meghan's aspirations in Hollywood may have been thwarted by a reality show producer's discernment, her relentless pursuit of the spotlight remains palpable.

Alongside her husband, Meghan continues to portray themselves as victims of the royal family, crafting a narrative that conveniently deflects attention from their own missteps and questionable decisions.

As we delve into Meghan's narrative of victimhood within the entertainment industry, it is imperative not to lose sight of the broader context.

Meghan Markle emerges as a skilled manipulator adept at constructing a facade that often serves as a distraction from the genuine issues concerning the royal family.

Despite personal sentiments towards the royals, they deserve an unbiased assessment free from the skewed perspective of a relatively unknown figure desperate for recognition.

In essence, the revelation that Meghan once toyed with the idea of appearing on The Bachelor underscores her unyielding quest for the limelight.

While her rejection from the show may have averted a potential royal reality TV debacle, it does not absolve her from scrutiny regarding her actions and insatiable hunger for fame.

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