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Nauseous: Prince Harry Accused of Ripping Late Queen’s Poster at Chelsea Club
In a shocking revelation, television presenter Paddy McGuinness has claimed that Prince Harry once tore down a poster of his late grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, during a wild party.
McGuinness, known for his role on Top Gear, stated that he was out with the Duke of Sussex, members of One Direction, and a group of footballers when he witnessed the royal removing the picture from a wall.
According to McGuinness, Prince Harry did not want his grandmother to witness his partying antics.
During an episode of the Restless Natives podcast, McGuinness recounted the incident, stating that the group was at an underground club in Chelsea, London, where all sorts of activities were taking place.
He alleged that Prince Harry was tearing his t-shirt off, engaging in passionate kisses, and eventually ripping the Queen's photo off the wall.
The prince reportedly said, “I can't have granny watching me doing this.”
Confused by the situation, McGuinness asked the Prince's security guard about the incident, to which the Metropolitan Police officer replied, “They'll never see the light of day.
We'll remove the video footage.”
The club in question is known to be frequented by royals as a place to unwind and let loose.
Although the exact date of this event remains undisclosed, McGuinness revealed that the club had a secret door for famous individuals, surrounded by security cameras.
In his newly published autobiography, My Lifey, McGuinness also shared his desire to visit Fernandos, the fictional holiday destination featured on his ITV dating show Take Me Out.
Recalling his encounter with Prince Harry, McGuinness described how they danced closely, chests touching, and how the prince even asked him if he could arrange a trip to Fernandos.
The night continued with Prince Harry removing McGuinness' shirt, leaving him topless while they danced with beer bottles in hand.
The evening concluded with an embrace and a smacker on the lips from Prince Harry, leaving everyone in the club astonished, yet in agreement that the Prince was indeed a legend.
However, these revelations about Prince Harry's behavior raise concerns about his lack of discretion and respect for others.
Some argue that his actions indicate a sense of entitlement and disregard for boundaries.
McGuinness himself expressed his repulsion, stating, “Harry's behavior is repulsive.
He has no respect for people or things that don't belong to him.”
While opinions on Prince Harry's s**ual orientation have been speculated upon, McGuinness believes that he may not be straight but possibly bisexual.
Nevertheless, he emphasizes that what truly matters is the Prince's disrespectful behavior and abuse of power.
The litany of questionable actions attributed to Prince Harry includes poking Ferdinand's disabled teacher, treating his own grandmother, the Queen, with contempt, engaging in drunken fights, and wearing offensive costumes.
Such childish and abhorrent behavior has led many to question Meghan Markle's inquiry about Harry's kindness, as it seems unlikely that anyone would answer affirmatively.
McGuinness suggests that much of the strange behavior exhibited by the couple may have been trolling or inside jokes between Prince Harry and his mother, Princess Diana.
As these revelations continue to unfold, it becomes increasingly evident that Prince Harry's actions are far from admirable.
His behavior raises serious concerns about his character and the way he interacts with those around him.
Whether it be tearing down a poster of his late grandmother or engaging in questionable conduct, it is clear that Prince Harry's actions leave much to be desired.