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Harry and Meghan’s Caribbean Getaway Fails to Reignite Their Relationship
Harry's holiday from hell
A secret getaway hasn't reconnected the struggling Sussexes
Hello everybody, welcome back to Kate Middleton and the Queen YouTube channel.
Recently, when Harry and Meghan were in New York for World Mental Health Day, people noticed that they didn't seem quite so in love as they had before.
So it makes sense that they went on vacation together to the Caribbean after that.
Insiders have said that Meghan and Harry were hoping they would get their spark back.
But much like their business ventures, Harry and Meghan's attempt to reconnect has failed miserably.
The two of them hardly even spoke as they departed a private jet in Atlanta.
Harry instead opted to fall in step with a staffer, and then Meghan was left to walk on her own.
People who were there say they were kind of surprised to see Meghan and Harry looking so distant, especially considering where they had flown in from.
Now it is reported that they spent a couple of days on the island of Canawan in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
That's a destination described as where billionaires go to escape millionaires.
In spite of the peaceful setting, it has been reported that Meghan and Harry found no peace with each other.
Instead, they kept fighting over their life in the US.
Even with their fancy vacations, which also reportedly included a recent stay with Harry's cousin Princess Eugenie and her family in Portugal, there are still plenty of rumors claiming that Meghan and Harry's finances are not in good shape.
I can understand why.
I mean, that mortgage is astronomical.
They've got to pay for security.
They've got so many bills they have to pay, and I'm assuming they're going to only choose the best schools for artificial and invisible to attend.
And that's not going to come cheap either.
So basically nothing in Harry and Meghan's life is affordable.
A source claims things are dire for them financially.
As much as Harry doesn't want to, they may have no choice but to literally send Meghan back to doing what she does best, acting.
Recently the news about a revival of Meghan's cable TV show Suits has been confirmed, although insiders claim that they're just hoping for a cameo at best from Meghan.
Reportedly early on in the relationship, Meghan's acting career was a problem for Harry, most notably because of the s** scenes that she used to do.
In spare, Harry even admits that he made a mistake when he decided to Google Meghan getting hot and heavy with onscreen co-stars.
Harry wrote, I'd witnessed her and a castmate mauling each other in some sort of office or conference room.
It would take electric shock therapy to get those images out of my head.
Now reportedly if Meghan has to go back to her acting career, Harry's got some stipulations.
The source says she misses acting.
It's Harry who's been against it.
It sends her away on set for hours, but it almost always involves a love or s** scene of some kind.
He would go mental if she had to kiss a guy for a film role.
It's a line in the sand he drew before they got married.
He's given her an ultimatum to make up her mind about what she wants to do.
She knows the only way she'll be able to act again with Harry's blessing is in a Disney G-rated movie.
Well I'm not really sure that Meghan could be cast in a Disney G-rated movie, but whatever.
A little off topic, but I want to talk about beauty.
I want to talk about why some people find Meghan attractive and others do not.
Now if you ask Harry, he will tell you that his wife is so hot, so s**y.
I assume he believes that to be true, but other people disagree.
Other people say that she's hideous.
So how could people hold such different opinions when it comes to one woman's looks?
When we talk about somebody who is truly beautiful, usually we are talking about inner beauty as well as external beauty.
I mean somebody can have all the right facial ratios or whatever, but if they're mean, if they're unfriendly, if they're cruel to other people, then no, we're not going to call them beautiful and that's exactly what is going on with Meghan Markle.
As she's getting older, she's also looking a lot worse and that's because her facial expressions show the hatred that is within and she can't erase that.
It doesn't matter how much she pays for plastic surgery and fillers and Botox.
It's still there.
You know what your mother told you when you were little and you would make a funny face.
If you make that face enough, it'll get stuck like that.
Well it's true.
That's exactly what we're seeing with Meghan.
Even though Meghan loves to go around grinning like a lunatic, you don't often see her with a genuine smile and so that's why her face is aging like it is.
More often, she has a very nasty look on her face, a face of evilness, and that's what we're seeing etched into her skin now.
Somebody like Meghan is not going to age gracefully because she doesn't do anything gracefully.
I mean, when is the last time we ever heard about Meghan really trying to help somebody out of the goodness of her heart and not for her own benefit?
That's because she never does it.
When is the last time we heard Meghan say something nice about somebody else?
Well, again, never.
Even when she smiles for the camera, it just looks off.
It looks disingenuous.
It looks fake.
Because it is.
Somebody who is really beautiful inside doesn't have to fake happiness.
But Meghan, on the other hand, doesn't know what real happiness is.
She only knows how to fake it.
And when is the last time that we heard somebody who knows Meghan well say something nice about her?
Again, never.
In fact, it seems like when people get to know her, they want nothing to do with her.
I know she's got her sycophants out there who claim that she's Princess Meghan, which, by the way, she's absolutely not Princess Meghan.
She is Princess Henry at best.
But anyway, they only say nice things about her because they do not know her.
If they were to really get up close and personal with her, they wouldn't have anything nice to say because there is nothing nice there.
Meghan is not, she never has been, and she never will be a princess.
Now, technically, she is the Duchess of Sussex for now, at least.
She's also told so many lies about how old she is.
She's getting very close to 50, I'm pretty sure.
She's a lot closer to 50 than 40.
I mean, all of her high school graduating class are that age, so how could she miraculously be a lot younger than them?
And what about Meghan's history as a yacht girl?
She's also lied about that.
But there is evidence out there that she used to be a paid prostitute on yachts for people like Jeffrey Epstein.
Of course, she tried her best to scrub the Internet of all evidence.
But I have heard that if you know where to look, you can still find it.
A big part of Meghan's problem is that she just wants to be adored by everybody.
That's because she doesn't have any self-love.
When she looks in the mirror, she hates what she sees.
And that's why she needs so much positive affirmation from everybody else.
But she's not getting it because we can also see what a horrible, nasty, self-centered person she really is.
At this point, she needs to just give it up.
I mean, she's a never was, I can't even call her a has been.
She simply cannot compete with normal women who haven't been touched up.
I mean, if I had all the free services that Meghan has, I'd be beautiful too.
In her mind, Meghan believes she is on the same level as somebody like Grace Kelly.
Now, Grace Kelly was a true beauty inside and out.
She didn't have to go to her plastic surgeon's office all the time to look beautiful.
If I didn't know anything about Meghan and I were to see her walking down the street, I'd probably say she was cute.
But at this point, we know way too much about her.
We've seen all her lies, all her deception, all her manipulative behavior.
How could anybody truly believe that she is beautiful after everything we have seen from her?
I understand exactly why Meghan is so jealous of Catherine.